Friday, January 8, 2010

Wedding Round Up!

So a lot has been going on in these parts but I will start with wedding stuff. Our wedding has been featured in a few blogs, which is pretty amazing really! I will post one a day for the time being. Style Unveiled put the wedding in there real wedding section and I got to do a write up for it. Check it out at Style Unveiled, Real Weddings.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Wedding Feature

I decided that I think more about posting then I actually do. After the wedding I have been not wanting to do anything, except hang out. But I feel that my creative juices and energy is once again flowing. To my amazing surprise our wedding was featured on the Wedding Chicks website.

It was nice to see all that hard work up on a "real" (as opposed to my "fake" blog). It gave me a little hope that maybe I could give some ideas to other brides who were in the same position as me. And now again, I feel the inspiration. Getting married is a totally awesome, and somewhat horrid experience. The process can be a crazy, stressful, "mess". It does not help it when the prices are jacked up because you are having more than a party, you are have a WEDDING! To me these were the same thing. I believe now that really all you need to create an awesome wedding is a little love, and a few good ideas. My goal in the next week is to do my own write up of the wedding, and all the crafts that went into it. Maybe I can give at least one bride a good idea.

For now though, I am off to drink champagne, while watching my husband and my best friend dork out while play a James Bond game from the 90's. Life is good.

**The adorable cupcake figures from our cupcakes were purchased from"> samyii's etsy shop. She has some super cute and affordable bride and grooms up now too!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

the perfect ending

The wedding is long over. Everything went beyond perfect, which is pretty amazing. Not at all what I expected. Now we are trying to get back to life as normal, or as a married couple. Organizing photos, and guest books, figuring what we are going to do with all the pieces that are left over from our big day. I guess you could say I am taking my time getting back into this mode of things. I am so happy that its all over, said and done with. What a day!

I spent the last 6 months crafting this wedding to "perfection" all the while comparing it to all these other weddings I have seen. Always thinking that ours will be not even compare. But really when it was all said and done, our wedding was awesome. I must say that I am pretty impressed by my wedding planning skills, considering I have never even been in a wedding. The design aspect came out just like I had imagined and it was damn cute if I do say so myself. We created something that was so us. I do not think that is easy to do, and I still revel in the fact that we created this ourselves. And now we have the rest of our lives ahead of us. This picture by our amazing photographers Lori and Keith at">Lori Anderson Photography
sums up the feelings of the day.

Sunday, September 20, 2009


I threw together an idea and here is the outcome. Surpisingly these were easy to make. This is one of five so hopefully they get more cute with each creation. Thanks to tia for perusing michaels for half an hour with me!

Saturday, September 19, 2009


with the wedding a mere 5 weeks away, i would say that "i am getting into it" and "getting over it". there is still so much that needs to be done, i am so lucky that i am the sort of girl that does not care about things like napkins. i will say now that i know what i know i would have done everything differently. but all i can do is work with what we have made and make it awesome for us and our friends and family.

currently i am listening and re listening to the playlist of songs that we may be playing for the ceremony. i think when i choose them, i will keep them to myself and let it be surprise. the hardest is choosing the song i will walk to, maybe i will just run!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

to throw or not to throw?

so i have been working on the order of events for the party (yes, i am calling it a party), we are not doing a lot of traditional things other than the first dance. there will be no garter tossing, because there simply will be no garter. but i am playing with the idea of the tossing of the bouquet. i think it might be something fun to do, but i also think it could be the opposite. so i decided i am going to do a poll, to toss the bouquet or not to toss? let me know your thoughts.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Jars jars and more jars!

So I am still on my mission for jars. So far I have started a pretty good collection. I am collecting food jars now too. It's all about reusing what is already available. I think that the miss match look is going to be adorable once the sun starts going down and the candles get lit. I can't wait to see it!! If you have any extra jar around, let me know and I will take them off you hands and give them a new life, that does not involve the landfill.